SummerSalt Stay Safe2





  • This event is General Admission. Patrons are permitted to bring fold up chairs only - no picnic blankets.
  • Children under 18 must have a valid children's ticket and be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, who also hold a valid ticket. Children under 2 do not need a ticket.
  • Food and beverages will be for sale. You can bring a small esky or cooler bag with snack food. Large eskies will not be permitted. You cannot bring alcohol or soft drink etc. You may bring sealed plastic bottled water (still or sparkling) up to 1.5L in size. Empty translucent plastic bottles can be brought into the venue to use at our free water stations.
  • This event will proceed rain, hail or shine
  • No pass outs are available at this event
  • Security will search all bags upon entry

What to bring:

  • Tickets
  • Credit Card/Debit card with wave pass (no cash is accepted at bars). Cash is accepted at most food vendors.
  • ID
  • Fully charged phone
  • Empty water bottle (not glass, metal or aluminium) to fill up at drinking water stations if you wish.
  • Sun protection - sunglasses, hat, sunscreen
  • Footwear must be worn at all times (thongs are ok)
  • Your own fold up chair. No blankets.
  • Food - You can bring a small esky or cooler bag with snack food. Large eskies will not be permitted. You cannot bring alcohol or soft drink etc. You may bring a commercially unopened bottle of water.

What NOT to bring / prohibited items:

  • Aerosol cans
  • Alcohol or soft drinks.
  • Cameras - no professional standard or video cameras
  • Large Eskies.
  • Glass, aluminium or steel/metal containers
  • Large prams - small prams or pusher is ok
  • Metal cutlery, scissors or knives of any sort
  • Picnic baskets
  • Picnic blankets
  • Selfie sticks
  • Umbrellas, marquees or shade tents
  • Weapons or items that are deemed unsafe
  • Any other objects considered by the Promoter and the Venue to be dangerous or capable of causing a public nuisance that could be used to distract, obstruct or interfere with any performer

SummerSalt BYO graphic2


The lounge has some seating and occasional furniture but not designated seating, and there may not be enough seating to accomodate everyone. Feel free to bring your own fold up chair if you wish, just in case.

BAR MENU - Click on the link to the PDF



Patrons may dance in front of their own chair but we ask you consider your fellow patrons around you. In some concerts we may have a standing area in front of the stage or a separate dancing area and we would encourage patrons to use that space if available. Strictly no dancing or standing in the aisles.

Parents/Legal Guardians:

  • We generally allow juveniles to attend concerts if a responsible adult accompanies them. Our liquor license states, 'only juveniles accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult are permitted to enter and remain on the licensed premises.’
  • A 'responsible adult' means a parent, step-parent, spouse, de facto partner, legal guardian or any other person in loco parentis to the juvenile [Liquor License Act s.126 (2)]. A person in loco parentis must be able to fulfill the normal functions of a parent concerning supervision of juveniles.
  • An older brother or sister or friend of the juvenile(s) is not a 'responsible adult'.
  • There is no restriction under the liquor license act with regards to how many juveniles can be supervised by one responsible adult. However we do not recommend more than 2 juveniles per responsible adult at any licensed event.
  • Babes in arms - under the age of 2, are generally permitted free of charge and do not need a ticket. All other children still require a ticket, whether it be a children's ticket (if available) or an Adult ticket.


Our outdoor concert sites are predominantly flat grass parkland and in some cases beach areas, and at times, part of the venue can be soft and boggy. For patrons in a wheelchair, there will be an accessible viewing area. However being accompanied by a carer is recommended. Parking for ACROD or wheelchair patrons is not always assured, however in the absence of parking close to the gates, alternatives will be provided. We strongly advise that you advise the ticketing agent, when purchasing your ticket, if you are in a wheelchair or need assistance, so we can contact you prior to the event.
We have made a number of provisions to ensure our events are accessible to all. These include provision of a complimentary carer ticket, accessible entrance lanes and accessible toilet facilities.
On show day, our customer service staff will be available if you need assistance in accessing the concert site. Please email if you wish to pre arrange assistance or have any further enquiries.

For Wheelchair/ACROD/Mobility impaired patrons - Making a Booking
Please call Ticketmaster’s Accessible Seating Line if you have accessible booking requirements, including wheelchair and/or companion card requirements. Telephone: 1300 446 925 or Email: 
If emailing, please ensure you include the Event Name, Venue, Date and Time along with your contact details.
Service Hours: Monday - Saturday 9am - 8pm; Sunday 9am - 5pm AEST (closed Christmas / Boxing Day)


Please note there will be no public parking. We suggest you use public transport, taxi, Uber or pick up/drop off. Please use suggested parking areas as per this map (click on link below) which are within walking distance to the venue.


Zero Tolerance On Illegal Substances and Underage Drinking

We have a zero tolerance policy on illegal substances and drugs. Anyone suspected of using or found in possession of illegal substances or drugs will be escorted from the grounds and handed over to the police. Undercover police officers may also be actively searching for offenders.

We also have a zero tolerance policy on underage drinking. Parents and legal guardians - If your child is caught drinking, we’ll confiscate your drinks, escort you from the festival and call the police. Please don't make us do this.
