This event is General Admission with Standing Room Only. There will be various places to sit around the venue, however, there is no allocated seating and patrons are not permitted to bring chairs or picnic blankets.

Food and beverages will be for sale. You cannot BYO food, drinks, or alcohol to the venue.

Free water will be available from the bar. You cannot BYO water or water bottle.

This event is 18+ only. Photo ID required.

Photo ID will be required for entry. This event is 18+ only.

This event will proceed rain, hail or shine.


  • Tickets
  • Credit/debit card
  • ID
  • Fully charged phone
  • Sun protection - sunglasses, hat, sunscreen
  • Footwear must be worn at all times (thongs are ok)


  • Aerosol cans
  • Alcohol or any beverages of any sort (including water). Free drinking water will be available from the bar.
  • Cameras - no professional standard or video cameras
  • Chairs - of any size, folding or otherwise
  • Eskies or cooler bags
  • Food - if you have food allergies and need to bring your own food items, please email us to request permission:
  • Glass, aluminium or steel/metal containers and bottles
  • Metal cutlery, scissors or knives of any sort
  • Picnic baskets
  • Picnic blankets
  • Selfie sticks
  • Umbrellas, marquees or shade tents
  • Weapons or items that are deemed unsafe
  • Any other objects considered by the Promoter and the Venue to be dangerous or capable of causing a public nuisance that could be used to distract, obstruct or interfere with any performer

Please note that Security will search all bags upon entry.

11am - Doors open
2:00pm to 2:45pm - The McCredie Brothers
3:00pm to 4:15pm - Eskimo Joe
4:45pm to 6:00pm - Pete Murray

*subject to change

There will be no pass outs for this event unless in an emergency or medical situation.

Transport is not included in your ticket price and must be purchased separately.
Please ensure you have ferry transfers or transport to and from the island. Please contact Rottnest Express, Rottnest Fast Ferries, or Sealink (details further below).


Rottnest Express - Perth or Fremantle
P: 1300 467 688

Sealink - Perth or Fremantle
P: 1300 786 552

Rottnest Fast Ferries - Hillarys Boat Harbour
P: 08 9246 1039